What do I mean by de-cluttering the mind? On average, we
tend to have 50,000 thoughts per day. Now, how many of these thoughts do you
think are positive? Michael Beckwith from Agape quotes that there are 4 windows
of manifestation, and the first window is that your thoughts, opinions,
perceptions, and beliefs become your reality – so they manifest themselves into
your reality – in other words, we really need to be conscious of what we are
storing inside of our minds as they hold so much power but in order to do that
we need to first become aware of what is already there. One way to do that is
by looking at areas of our life that are bothering us or ask ourselves if we’re
attracting the same negative situations over and over again – To think, am I
holding a negative belief about myself or my life or environment? – then look
deep into our subconscious and find the root, the seed that we had planted in
the past that have to lead to this manifestation and attraction. We really need
to be not only aware but also have the courage to put on our evaluation glasses
and actually admit some of these truths to ourselves, because once you do so,
it makes you accountable for your life – you have to step outside of victimhood
and courageously take responsibility for your reality. And once we’re able to
identify the beliefs, opinions, thoughts, and perceptions that are not
empowering us, we can then decide to remove them. When pulling out the
self-sabotaging seed, we need to be able and willing to forgive ourselves for
holding on to it in the first place. I always like to use the analogy of
gardening – our mind is our garden, so we need to go in there, remove the
weeds, forgive ourself for neglecting it, prepare the soil, and replant the
flowers and trees that are meaningful and beneficial to us and our growth and
purpose. & complete this whole process with compassion and unconditional
self-love. But then it’s also as important to remember to water our garden,
every single day! Why? because if we don’t, they’ll wither and die! If we don’t
take care of our garden, weeds will grow. So how do we water our garden? By
consciously and consistently journaling, meditating, by taking care of our
mental health, our physical health, by surrounding ourself with an empowering
and uplifting community,
So tonight before you go to bed, open up your journal and on
the top ask yourself ” what negative beliefs, opinions, perceptions, and
thoughts do I carry with me?” pen to paper... let the answers flow out of you.
Then ask yourself, what the opposite of those negative
statements are and write them down. These are the new positive seeds you’re
going to plant.
So for example, for me, one of my negative beliefs was ”
only fit girls can succeed in the corporate world” and this stemmed from my
father always telling me that only if you’re fit, and look great in a suit,
will people take you seriously. So these past couples of years, as I’ve been
gained a few pounds, I always felt “not enough” – I thought that because I’m no
longer a certain size, I won’t be able to succeed anymore, regardless of all
the other things I have to offer. So I had to do this exercise myself – to go
in there and to pull it out and replace the belief that was keeping me from
living my full potential.
So put on your courageous glasses, go in there, find the
weeds, pull them out, replace them with what you want to manifest and remember
to water your garden every single day with non-nonjudgement, unconditional
love, and self-care!
Thank you for reading,
Love & Light,
Tannaz Hosseinpour, Founder of Minutes on Growth Coaching
Tannaz Hosseinpour, founder of Minutes on Growth
Coaching is a certified life coach and TP Education Consultant website CBT practitioner specializing in
personal development & relationships with a strong academic background in
family mediation & dispute resolution law. She provides one-on-one coaching
to individuals and couples.
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