This is Tannaz Hosseinpour and welcome to this week’s episode of Minutes on Growth. Last week we discussed the 5-minute rule and how to allocate 5 minutes of our day every day for as long as we need to feel the feelings associated with a situation that has triggered sadness, anger or fear within us. But what happens if we neglect our feelings and bottle them up and choose to not face them? Over time, at some point in our lives, they will show up but in different forms.
We tend to only share the happy and fun parts of our lives on our social media, we do not share our real pains, our darkest hours. I’ve decided to change that and to be authentic with myself and those around me.
Whenever we push aside our feelings, it reappears in our lives but in a different form. It appears as depression, as weight gain, it appears as a skin disorder or an illness, or it simply takes away the light and youth component from our faces.
The mind and the body are interconnected and we cannot dismiss one or the other. In 2010, my body had never looked better, I was working out 7 times a week, and I finally had the abs I always dreamed of. But then suddenly I woke up one morning, and I had acne for the first time in my life and slowly after that, I developed psoriasis. My body may have been healthy, but my mind wasn’t. I had pushed aside my feelings for years. My involuntary relocation from Dubai to Canada, my parent's separation, my rejection from Harvard, and the loss of friendship, all of these events had impacted me and I never allowed myself to really feel the feelings that I felt as a result of them. I immersed myself in both good and bad things; self-harm, wrong relationships, drunken blacked-out nights, and on the other hand long hours at the library, and intense workouts.
Everyone goes through hardship and is forced to face unpleasant situations, but if we’re able to face them as they happen, we’re then able to prevent ourselves from making the wrong choices, because we will no longer be making decisions based on fear on anger, but rather be making decisions based on a higher level of awareness and consciousness and from a place of peace and healing.
I made a choice to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing- i now am aware that my negative emotions trigger my skin disorder, When I get angry or sad, I find my skin itching,(I’ve also noticed that a lot of people get really bad stomach cramps when they’re mad). I now know that my weight gain is a reflection of my inability to let go of some situations and that is why I am unable to let go of the extra pounds. I now know that as a result of my unresolved issues, I have attracted a partner facing the same dilemma, BECAUSE we do not attract who we want but rather who we are – My body’s reaction is through skin disorders and weight gain, but this is different. I now know that my body and mind cannot be separated and if I am to live life fully and to the highest of my potential, I must dedicate time to both my mental and physical health, and I cannot do that alone.
So now as I am facing life’s new set of challenges, I am allowing myself to discuss and share my pain without shame and judgment. I am learning the importance of a good support group. I am learning that it is okay to not be okay as long as I am doing all that I can to fix the root of the problem. I am learning that as I heal my mind, my body will follow. I hope you as well allow yourself to be authentic, to be real, to be felt, to be heard, to be seen.
I recommend you all to read Louise Hay’s book on healing your life and your body.
Please click here to listen to Episode 5 of the Minutes on Growth Podcast
Thank you for listening, Talk to you next week
Love & Light, Tannaz Hosseinpour
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